Purim is Almost Here!

Purim is just around the corner! Purim is one of my favorite holidays, and no, it’s not just because of the hamantaschen (though it’s certainly a fun part). I love how the community comes together for the megillah reading, takes care of one another through both matanot l’evionim and mishloach manot, and takes time to relax and rejoice during the …


Wise Words From Moshe Frank

Originally posted on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/moshefrank_art-artwork-artinvestment-activity-6883766654032060416-rEHd/ Should you invest in Judaica art? So conservatively, you should only invest in blue chip artists that will probably only go up. Like, Holtz, Kleinman, Huvy, Flerova, Kauffman, Rubin and Lieberman. Most of these artists are deceased, so supply will not affect their markets. You just have to be aware, art isn’t liquid. You need …

The Detailing of Itzak Holtz

Itzak Holtz artworks are always incredible, but there’s always a select few which stand out. We’re going to look at a couple of his pieces which truly display his skill and attention to detail. First, “On The Way To The Market”, which is an oil on canvas piece. What I love most about this painting is the possibility of the …

We’re Buying Elena Flerova Artworks for Cash!

Born in 1943 in Moscow, USSR, Flerova was surrounded by the arts- her father worked as an artist-designer and her mother was a theater director and teacher. She attended the Surikov Fine Arts Institute in 1969, graduating with honors. Afterwards, Flerova would be granted a scholarship to the National Academy of Fine Arts, a highly exclusive school. She would go …