
Upcoming Esther Maxwell Show!

Exciting news! This Sunday, we’ve got an upcoming show at our new gallery at the American Dream Mall! It’ll be featuring Esther Maxwell, an artist from Flatbush, NY. She began her career in graphic design, but found her true passion in painting. She pours life into each painting, infusing it with emotions.  From a young age, Esther Maxwell knew she …


Nature in a Pandemic

By Livia Zarge Given that we’re five months into the quarantine for the Covid-19 pandemic, I thought that it would appropriate to bring some nature into our homes. When I was taking an environmental science class I learned about the concept of “biophilia”: the idea that human beings thrive around nature and even something as simple as a picture of …

Tisha B’Av: A Day of Mourning

This Thursday, we fasted and mourned for Tisha B’Av- a Jewish fast on the 9th day of the month of Av that commemorates the numerous disasters in Jewish history, but most prominently the destruction of both the first and second Beit Hamikdash. Tisha B’Av follows a similar structure as Yom Kippur: a sunset to nightfall duration, no washing or bathing, …