Leviim Gallery

We Buy Zalman Kleinman for Cash

We buy Zalman Kleinman for cash

Are you curious to know how much your Zalman Kleinman art pieces are worth?

The Leviim Art Gallery is a beautiful art gallery located in Crown Heights, Brooklyn. We have hundreds of paintings featuring a cavalcade of Jewish art and works painted by Jewish artists. Recently we entered into the secondary market to buy famous artworks like Zalman Kleinman for Cash.

Zalman Kleinman was a master of easel painting who brilliantly possessed its secrets and skills, as well as an illustrator who created a great number of drawing and water-colors that were published. He was also a good conversationalist. Every Chassid in Crown Heights knew him and saw him on the street every day. This tall and stately man with the long white beard was more like a Rabbi who knew about everything. People who met him would often ask questions and would always receive answers about many aspects of human existence.

Zalman was a passionate and ardent artist of the Jewish theme. He frequently said: “Our people are tenacious, they create because they are an active and vital people, physically inexhaustible and purposeful.” Here at Leviim Art we are passionate about buying Zalman Kleinman paintings for cash and are available to hear from sellers. Sellers please call (347)401-0811.